Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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Showing in the TsMagnifier component of scaled content under mouse cursor, moving a magnifier window.

The TsMagnifier component has the OnGetSourceCoords event. This event allows to define coordinations of a source image rectangle. Example of code for handling this event:

uses sConst; ... procedure TMainForm.sMagnifier1GetSourceCoords(var ATopLeft: TPoint); begin ATopLeft := acMousePos; // Current coords of mouse cursor if Assigned(acMagnForm) then begin // If magnifier window is created dec(ATopLeft.X, acMagnForm.Width div (sMagnifier1.Scaling * 2)); // Offset a position dec(ATopLeft.Y, acMagnForm.Height div (sMagnifier1.Scaling * 2)); end; end;

sConst.acMagnForm variable is a magnifier form. Developer can change coordinates of this window if it's needed after showing or take some other actions. But, don't forget to check that window is not nil.

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