Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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Skinning only one component or skinning of group of controls only.

  • If TsSkinManager.SkinningRules.srStdForms property is False then all forms will not be skinned by engine. But components from the AlphaControls package will be skinned still. Developer can use this feature if components should be skinned but forms must have a standard look. If component must have standard default look too, then value of the SkinData.SkinSection property must be 'N/A'.
  • Another way is in using of two TsSkinManager components. First created TsSkinManager will be default and not Active. All controls and forms will be linked with this default manager. If some controls from the package must be skinned, then we can make second TsSkinManager, activate him and link the control with this manager by using the SkinData.SkinManager property of this control.

Standard or third-party components can't be skinned if form was not been skinned. If some standard or third-party control must be skinned, then we can allow skinning of form, but TsSkinProvider should be placed on this form and DrawNonClient are must be changed to False. Borders and title of form will have standard look in this case.

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