ScrollBox Question

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  • #35396

    I have not installed version 8.x because it is still beta, but I have played around with the main demo. When I have the Scrollbox panel visible (I have not made any changes) and I move the mouse wheel the scrollbox does not scroll even though the automousewheel check box is initially checked. If I cycle the automousewheel check box, the scrollbox will scroll. Just an observation.

    Also another observation on the Listview. If you have “Grid Lines” checked, “Checkboxes” unchecked and “Row Selected” unchecked, and move your mouse over the listview, painting problems occur with the grid lines.

    Also the new skin “Subway”, listview grid lines (when checked) are practically invisible with the exception of the selected row (if row selected is checked).

    Otherwise looking good. I love the new features. In my opinion your skin controls are superior to Delphi styles and I plan to use your product for long time. Keep up the good work.

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