Application using Alpha Skins in Delphi 12 shows two program windows on the task

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    Now I’m not saying that Alpha Skins is the culprit here but to be clear I just have no other explanation. I have one application that uses Alpha Skins and I don’t have this issue in this application with Delphi 11.3 and it’s only in Delphi 12 and no other application that I’ve migrated to Delphi 12 has this issue.

    When I run this application in Delphi 11.3 the application shows up on the taskbar as you would expect but when I compile and run in Delphi 12 the application itself works fine but if you hover the mouse over the taskbar it shows two application windows almost as if two instances are running; however clicking on one or the other just takes you to the program window and taskmgr shows only one instance running.

    Has anyone ever seen a problem like this?

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    I have had the same issue with Delphi 11.3 without AlphaSkins. I think I tackled this by overriding CreateParams…

    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
    procedure TMainBaseForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
      inherited CreateParams(Params);
      with Params do
        ExStyle := ExStyle and not WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
        WndParent := Application.Handle;

    I had the previous version to 17.10, when I uninstalled that and installed 17.10 the problem disappeared

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