Updated: Dec 16, 2023
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New in the AlphaControls 2017 (version 12)

New components


This component is a collection of buttons which may be placed in any place of form, including borders and title area. Buttons are placed over all other controls. They may be painted with using of current skin sections, standard Windows theme or custom images.


Represents a general-purpose knob-style rotating button.

Use a TsArcHandle button in applications wherever you need to provide the user with a rotating button that resembles a knob.

This arc dial control variates its Value in degrees, so if you want to use it as a linear control for varying the progress of a progress bar, for instance, use the TextContent property (available values: tcAngle, tcCustom, tcPercent, tcValue).

Control whether this arc dial component displays the value or not using the ShowText property.

Use Images and ImageIndex properties for showing of a custom glyph.


Represents a knob-style rotating button with specified minimal and maximal values and with arc dial.

Use a TsArcDial button in applications wherever you need to provide the user with a rotating button if value of the control should have minimal and maxmal values.

Control whether this arc dial component displays the value or not using the ShowText property.

Use Images and ImageIndex properties for showing of a custom glyph.


A simple arc style gauge with support of AlphaSkins.

Use Min, Max and Position properties for controlling of the component value.

Control whether this component displays the value or not using the ShowText property.

Use Images and ImageIndex properties for showing of a custom glyph.


A simple animated indicator of any loading process.

Use the ImageType property for specifiyng of a control style. Available values: itLine (default), itMask1, itMask2, itCustomImage, itCustomMask. If itCustomMask option is choosen then changing of the image color is possible by the LineColor property.

Use the MotionType property for changing of animation type.

Animation process may be started or stopped byt the Animated property.

Control whether this component displays the value or not using the ShowText property.

Use Images and ImageIndex properties for showing of a custom glyph.


An animated panel which have a title button and may be collapsed/expanded with all content.


Round button with changeable radius and many additional properties.


Label with possibility of glyphs showing.

Download and look the demo-application with these new controls
New properties

Gradients with semi-transparency

Added possibility of using gradients with custom opacity values in skins. A special editor has been added in the ASkinEditor tool.

Added support of new gradients in the TsGradientPanel component.


The property allows to reorder items by mouse in the run-time.

If the DragItems property is enabled then all items are collapsed and may be moved by user. Use the Items collection for saving/restoring of items order when application is closed/runned.

The ShowArrow property in the TsFrameBar items

This parameter allows to show an animated arrow in the TsFrameBar items.

The ShowCloseBtn property in the TsFrameBar items

This parameter allows to show a close button in item. The item will be hidden (default action) or destroyed after clicking this button. Use the OnCloseBtnClick event for specifying a required action.

The UseAlpha property in the TsColorDialog and TsColorBox components

The property allows to specify a value of the alpha-channel in the selected color.

The ParentFont option added in the BoundsLabel property

Keep disabled this option if label should have own custom font.

The TsTitleBar.OnDrawItem event

Use this event if own painting should be made in the TitleBar items.

TsGauge.OnMouseEnter and TsGauge.OnMouseLeave events

Use these events for catching of moments when mouse is entering or leaving the gauge component.

The spNone parameter added in the TsPageScroller.ScrollPosition property

Use this parameter if scroll buttons should not be visible.

The Options.ArrowsStyle property in the TsSkinManager component

Using this option it's possible to change a style of arrows in entire application.

The TsSkinManager.SkinsFilter property

Using this property developer can choose a visibility of different types of skins for the TsSkinManager and TsSkinSelector components

The TsPageControl.AllowTabsDrag property

Allows to drag tabs by using of "Ctrl + Left Mouse Button" combination.

BorderStyle and BorderColor properties in the TsMagnifier component

These properties allows to change a style of borders or hide borders at all.

The TsRadioGroup.ContentVOffset property

Allows to have an influence to aligning of items on the top side.

Added "sclLeftLeft" layout type in the BoundLabel property in edit controls

Use this option for aligning of label to the left side. The MaxWidth property must be not null.

New "acntUtils.pas" unit with some GDI+ procedures added
procedure acgpDrawEllipse(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height: Single; Color: TColor; PenWidth: Single = 1);

Draws an ellipse without a filling.

procedure acgpDrawLine(DC: hdc; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single; Color: TColor; PenWidth: Single = 1);

Draws a line that connects two points.

procedure acgpFillEllipse(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height: Single; Color: TColor);

Fill the interior of an ellipse by custom color.

procedure acgpStretchRect(DstBmp, SrcBmp: TBitmap; SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight: integer);

Stretches a rectangle from a sources bitmap to destination bitmap.

procedure acgpDrawArc(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height, StartAngle, SweepAngle: Single; Color: TColor; PenWidth: Single = 1);

Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, a color, angle, a width and a height.

Procedure acgpFillRectangle(DC: hdc; Brush: Pointer; X, Y, Width, Height: Single);

Uses a brush to fill the interior of a rectangle.

Procedure acgpGradientRectangle(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height: Single; Points: TGradPoints; Colors: TGradColors; CenterColor: TsColor);

Uses set of points and set of colors to fill the interior of a rectangle gradient.

Procedure acgpGradientRectangleH(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height: Single; Color1, Color2: TColor);

Uses two colors to fill the interior of a rectangle by horizontal gradient.

Procedure acgpGradientRectangleV(DC: hdc; X, Y, Width, Height: Single; Color1, Color2: TColor);

Uses two colors to fill the interior of a rectangle by vertical gradient.

Other changes
New type of default arrows

Added possibility to change a style of all arrows. The "Arrows style" field has been added in the ASkinEditor tool (the "General skin options"/"Additional" page).

Type of the TsSpinEdit value changed from Longint to Int64

The TsSkinProvider.ResizeMode property is obsolete and has the rmStandard value only (for a backward compatibility)

Installing, using and licensing the demo programs © Sergii Goncharov, Ukraine, Odessa 2004-2023